Seeds of Happiness

Seeds of Happiness

Spring has sprung. The grass is growing and the flowers are blooming. This is a time of growth and optimism! After a long cold winter, the warm sunshine of spring is a welcomed sight!

One of the most recognizable signs of spring are the dandelions. These common garden plants are loathed by most gardeners, in large part because of their amazing ability to spread and colonize a pristine lawn. Many hours of labor and resources are spent trying to manage these weeds. Even the most diligent gardener must deal with the occasional rogue dandelion.

The power of the dandelion is that even one plant can lead to an infestation if allowed to seed. A single plant can flower and set seed in as little as 9 days. Over the course of a growing season, a single dandelion can transform that pristine lawn into a sea of yellow flowers.

What is even more amazing is that the fluffy white dandelion seeds are able to spread long distances on the wind. While most of the seeds fall within 10 meters of their parents, with a gentle breeze these seeds can spread as far as a kilometer away from their parents.

The success we see in the dandelion lends a story for us and our happiness. In our daily lives, we have the opportunity to spread and share a seed of happiness with others, much like a dandelion spreads its seed. These random seeds of happiness can be nothing more than a kind word, a friendly gesture, or a warm smile. It doesn’t take a lot. Just a little faith and persistence is all it takes to share your happiness with others around you.

Like the dandelion, most of our seeds of happiness are bound to land close to us. We share them with our families, our co-workers, our acquaintances, our social media contacts, or seredipitously with a random stranger at an opportune moment.

But like dandelions, we also have the potential to share our seeds of happiness great distances! We can sprout new happiness in areas far away from ourselves. A happy letter is such an opportunity! These little letters don’t take much effort, but their potential is great. So take this opportunity. Bloom and share your seeds of happiness with others!

Photo By Vadim Indeikin, CC BY-SA 3.0,