Thanks for visiting Happy Letter!
You may be wondering what Happy Letter is all about. Happy Letter was developed to support the following basic ideas.
- The world is a happy place!
- Happiness is not a finite resource!
- We can spread happiness by sharing positive and uplifting thoughts and actions!
The Happy Letter approach is to share happiness through the lost art of letter writing. A Happy Letter is a simple message of happiness crafted of pen on paper and delivered from one person to another with the help of a stamp and a smile.
A happy letter is crafted by a Happy Letter writer. The writers are very special individuals that want to share the message of happiness with others. They write handcrafted letters to randomly selected strangers in an effort to spread happiness out into the world. These happy letters are designed simply to bring a smile and a moment of joy and wonder to the recipient.
A happy letter can take many forms, but in the Happy Letter spirit, they should have the following characteristics:
- They should contain a positive and uplifting message of happiness.
- They should be hand-crafted, specifically for the recipient to ensure that they know their happy letter has been uniquely crafted for them.
- They should be anonymous, to promote the wonder of happiness being alive and well in the broader world.
These three characteristics serve as the foundation for a happy letter, but beyond these, a letter can take any shape, form, or style. Happy Letter writers are encouraged to be creative!
The site was developed as a resource for Happy Letter writers. If you are interested in becoming a happy letter writer, be sure to check out the website and consider joining our Happy Letter Community Facebook group. This is a place for Happy Letter writers to come together and to share inspirations and ideas with others. was also developed to help provide context for happy letter recipients to better understand the gift that they have received. We understand that in our fast-paced world, that a random happy letter, handcrafted by a complete stranger may feel strange and unsettling. A simple act of kindness and positivity, such as this may seem foreign, naive, or quant.  We are here to change that, one stamp at a time!
So enjoy Make yourself at home. If our efforts bring you joy, please share your smile with a stranger today or consider sending a happy letter yourself!